Getting Connected at Oasis
Finding your way around a church when you’re new can be an intimidating and time-consuming process. That’s why we’ve developed a guided discovery process to give you the big-picture view of Oasis Community and the best opportunities for you to connect.
This process, called the Connecting at Oasis, is a series of three conversations with a Connecting Guide, each intended to answer essential questions that should be asked when deciding on a church home. It’s intentional, relational, and ultimately, the shortest route to finding community and service opportunities here.
Below is a brief overview of what’s covered in each conversation.
Conversation #1: Who Is Oasis Community Church?
We want you to know and understand our beliefs and practices here, so during this conversation, we provide the opportunities you need to feel confident in naming us as your church home when the time comes. One of the big connecting events we host is our “Let’s Get Acquainted” dinner where we bring the newer families of our church together and, after a nice meal, give them the opportunity to ask any questions they may have about Oasis.
Conversation #2: Where Do I Belong?
Your involvement at Oasis is important to us. However, we are not interested in your involvement being a “blind involvement”. We want you to grasp who we are at a deeper level, so the second conversation has to do with membership. We offer a class that specifically details who we are, what we stand for, what our vision is, and how you can fit into all of that. This is a face-to-face meeting with other people who are at the same point in their journey. Questions and interaction play a vital role in this time.
Conversation #3: Where Can I Play My Part?
You were designed to serve God! We are commanded to dedicate to Him every aspect of our lives whether at home, work or church. We have a resource to help identify your spiritual gifts, passions and talents. Then together we explore ways to put them to use for this congregation, our community, our city — even other parts of the world.
If you’d like to get started down the path of Connecting at Oasis just fill out a visitor card and drop it in the offering pouch or in one of the offering boxes or hand it to the Pastor or one of the greeters.