This message was delivered by Pastor Kim Drake during 10:00am service.

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How to Win at War: “Remain Faithful!”

Revelation 2:8-11

The church is under attack on all sides. Anything that Jesus stands for, Satan is opposed to, and fights against it. So, what does Jesus have to say to HIS Church?

The first mark of the true church is love for Jesus.

  1. Love for Jesus must never take a backseat to anything!

The second mark of the true church is ______________________!

  1. _____________ must never _______________________ _______________! Revelation 2:8-11

Jesus stated plainly that He knew several things about Smyrna:

1) I know your ____________________ Revelation 2:9a

* If you wobble in your faith every time ____________________ you will forever wobble, because ________________________________!

2) I know your ____________________ Revelation 2:9b

The _________ being the _________ will always face ____________!

3) I know your ____________________ Revelation 2:9c

Jesus told Smyrna how to endure pressures and persecutions:

Be ____________________!          Be ____________________!   

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