This message was delivered by Pastor Kim Drake during 10:00am service.

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Preparing for what’s Ahead: “How to Deal with Temptation”

James 1:13-16a

Temptation is something we are all familiar with. We face it every day. Temptation comes in all shapes and sizes. It has one design, and that is to destroy us. Here is what James says about temptation:

  1. Temptation is never God-directed James 1:13
  2. Temptation is self-initiated through lust James 1:14
  3. Temptation yielded to ______________ _________ __________________ James 1:15-16a

Notice the steps of temptation that James outlines:

1) ________ ____ ___________ “…Carried away; enticed…”

2) ______________ _______________ “…Lust conceived…”

3) ______________ _______ “…Gives birth to sin…”

4) ____________ _______ “…Brings forth death…”

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