Oasis Kingdom Men’s Ministry works together to develop a men’s ministry that equips and meets the emotional, social, and spiritual needs of men, strengthening them in their roles as husbands, fathers, as well as church & community leaders.
There are plenty of factors in our culture that work to tear men down. As a church, we desire to call men to a higher standard of manhood according to Scripture. We are committed to connecting men to one another in genuine friendship.
The objective of Kingdom Men’s Ministry is to disciple and equip men in their roles as men of God, whether married, single, older, or younger. We seek to provide a venue for modeling the life of Christ to men. We do this through teaching, fellowship, and service; providing opportunities for fostering spiritual friendships and developing discipling relationships, so that men can grow in conformity to Christ, specifically in their roles as men.
The aim of Kingdom Men’s Ministry is to create better husbands, fathers, brothers, and neighbors. By focusing on the spiritual growth and development of men of all ages throughout our church, we are impacting our community and world for generations to come. At Oasis Community Church, our goal in all things is to glorify God by holding forth the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In men’s ministry, we seek to do this by fostering a culture of mutual accountability among our men in which the truth of God and the gospel are central to our thinking and everyday living. We are committed to connecting men to one another in genuine friendship.
The purpose of the Kingdom Men’s Ministry at Oasis Community Church is expressed in Colossians 1:28 “That we may present every man complete in Christ.” What does it mean to be “complete in Christ” as a man? It means that we live to model the life of Jesus Christ and to reflect our belief in the Scriptures by applying them in our daily living, thereby “growing up in Him in all things.” Kingdom Men’s Ministry exists to help men understand God’s purpose for them and fulfill their God-given roles as men.