This message was delivered by Pastor Kim Drake during 10:00am service.

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Limping Through Our Faith: “Wrestling Angels and Wrestling Angels”

Genesis 32:24-32

God’s plan is that we will simply “follow Him.” That was God’s plan in the Old Testament, and it was Jesus’ plan for men in the New Testament. When that plan is not followed, God moves strategically to bring us under His authority. Notice His moves with Jacob:

  1. God blocked Jacob from all escape routes. Genesis 32:24
  2. God exerted the necessary pressure to break Jacob. Genesis 32:24b-25
  3. God _____ __________ on ________________________ with Jacob. Genesis 32:26
  4. God required Jacob’s _______________ about _______ _____________. Genesis 32:27-28

Application: What happens when we are touched by God?

1) _______________________________________________

2) _______________________________________________

3) _______________________________________________

4) _______________________________________________

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