This message was delivered by Pastor Kim Drake during the 10:00 a.m. service.

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Romans 3:1-8

The courtroom remains the scene for our passage today.  Methodically, Paul’s case has been built against all mankind and the fact that they are guilty and lost without Jesus Christ.  In Romans one Paul cut the spiritual legs out from under the pagan.  In chapter two he shot down the self-righteous moralist and declared him equally guilty.  At the end of chapter two he knocked the foundation out from the under the Jew who claimed his name, his works (circumcision), and his book would get him to heaven.  When you tell a self-righteous, religious person that they are not going to heaven—you better prepare yourself for a fight! Paul anticipates the objection and braces for battle.  Our eight verses today are an objection to Paul’s premise that all are lost without Christ.

  1. What ____________ is it to be a _____? Vv. 1, 2
  1. Will Jewish ____________ (unfaithfulness) cancel God’s ____________? Vv. 3, 4
  1. Why not _____ and _____________ God all the more? Vv. 5-8


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