This message was delivered by Pastor Kim Drake during the 10:00 a.m. service.
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“I Rest My Case!”
Romans 3:21-26
Paul continues in this imaginary courtroom, where the scene for two and a half chapters has been incredibly intense. After verse 20, Paul rests his case. The evidence is in. Verse 21 changes the direction of Paul’s case. Rather than focusing on man’s hopeless condition, Paul begins to unfold man’s hope through Jesus Christ. A big question for all time is this: “What do we say and know about salvation?” Notice how Paul addresses this issue.
- Realize that ________________ is God’s ________________. vv. 21-25a
Salvation involves:
- ___________________________ 20, 21
- ___________________________ 22
- ___________________________ 22, 23
- ___________________________ 24, 25
- Realize that salvation __________________ __________________ vv. 25, 26
- _____________________________________________________________________________ 25
- _____________________________________________________________________________ 26